Keeping Your New Car Clean

With kids, keeping a car clean can be quite the task. This can be more stressful if you have a new car. Learn ways to keep your vehicle in top shape.

Top Signs You Should Take Your Vehicle to the Dealership for Repair

6 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If it's time to have maintenance or repairs done to your vehicle, you probably know that you have a lot of options in regards to where to take your car for service. In some cases, it doesn't really matter where you take your vehicle to have maintenance or repairs done. However, there are some situations when it's actually best to take your car to the dealership, such as in the cases below. Read More …

6 Different Ways To Customize A New Truck Trailer

12 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you need a mobile trailer that meets some pretty specific customizations, you are going to want to work with a truck trailer dealer who can create a custom truck trailer for your business. When it comes to customizing a trailer, there are numerous ways you can tweak the design to make it fit your specific needs. Way #1: Frame The first part of the trailer you can customize is the frame. Read More …

Actions To Take When Raising A Family

14 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Living single with no children can be a very exciting lifestyle, as there are no other people to be concerned about when it comes to living expenses. However, it isn't uncommon for someone to get tired of living such a lifestyle and to begin looking for companionship. Often finding a partner leads to children being born and having to adjust to living a different lifestyle that is fit for raising a family. Read More …

5 Great Safety Features To Look For In Your Next Vehicle

10 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When it is time to purchase a new car, you need to think carefully about what car features matter to you and what car features you don't care about. There are so many different features in modern vehicles. You need to make sure you know what ones matter to you when you go shopping for a vehicle. Forward Collision Warning Wouldn't it be great if rear-ending accidents could be avoided? With a forward-collision warning system, rear-ending someone can become a thing of the past. Read More …

3 Often-Forgotten Things To Ask When Buying A Used Car

27 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Buying a used car is financially logical for a lot of reasons. However, buying a used vehicle also means you are buying a vehicle that someone else has had control over, so there are certain questions that should be asked whether you are buying from a used car dealership or an individual. Take a look at some of the often-forgotten questions to ask the seller when looking at used cars for sale. Read More …

About Me
Keeping Your New Car Clean

After picking out the perfect new car a few months ago, I realized that it would be difficult to keep it clean. With kids, smashed crackers and spilled milk are just part of your everyday reality. Fortunately, my auto dealer gave me a few tips that really helped. She recommended keeping a portable trashcan inside of the car, so that we could collect packages and paper scraps along the way. She also showed us which floor mats to use to capture spills. This blog is all about keeping your new car clean, so that you aren't embarrassed when you take your car in for that oil change.
